Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2nd

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug
I took this pic at Miroku Falls while I was trying to get as close to the flowy water look as I could without having a tripod. I couldn't manage to get anywhere near a slow enough shutter speed to do it, but I was still proud of how (relatively) sharp this handheld pic is at a 1/8th second exposure.


  1. Seriously impressive!

    Speaking of which, I need a tripod if you have any suggestions. :)

  2. I don't actually... the one I have is my dad's old one and my camera only hooks on in the most precarious of fashions (hence why I never bring it anywhere). I'll get around to researching them one of these days, and maybe I'll have a good recommendation for you then. :)
