Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 58

A Japanese mailman on a rainy day

Day 57

The main gate of Misawa Air Base, taken from the car as we drive in

Day 56

Today is my dad's birthday! I'm cheating, and using a pic that I didn't take today (because my dad isn't here to take a picture of). I did, however, play around with an originally not-great picture of us waltzing at my wedding and turned it into something I like. A good father-daughter moment.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 55

A stick-broom outside a shrine

Day 54

I love how the pedestrian stop lights show a little man in a brimmed hat (you can see it in the large view of the pic). He looks so quaint and polite. It makes me not want to jaywalk.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53

Wilting flowers on a grave in a Japanese cemetery

Day 52

A shrine in a mini-forest near our house

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 51

An igloo entrance at the Towada Snow Festival (read more about it here).

Day 50

A frozen waterfall in Oirase Gorge (taken while driving 30-40mph- I'm sooo impressed by this camera's ability to take pictures while driving!)

Day 49

Playing around while driving through a tunnel. This was fun!

Day 48

Snowy road in the mountains (taken from the car).

Day 47

A pan on the stove. Exciting.

Day 46

Alright, catch-up time. So I had a lame week and blew this whole "take a photo every day" thing. But I'm still posting pics to cover all the days. (They just miiiight not be exactly from the day they were supposed to be taken.) That's the beauty of taking lots of extra pictures some days, right?

This is the roof of the ski lodge at Okunakayama that I thought looked cool.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 45

Happy Valentine's Day!

Day 44

We had the best day of snowboarding so far today at Okunakayama with our friends Ed and Chessa. SO FUN!!!!

Day 43

This is the contents of our fridge. You know, in case you were wondering.

Day 42

Nuts, we can't go gun hunting in the field behind our house.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41

Back in CA we were addicted to seltzer water. They don't have that here, so we go through Perrier like crazy. We love bubbles!

Day 40

A picture of some snowy weeds I took on a walk the other day. Then I played around with some Lightroom editing presets until I thought it looked cool.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39

Apparently there are some Texans living in Misawa.

Day 38

It's been so cold lately, but the sun peeked out for a while today and Corey sat himself on the floor by the big window to bask in it (much like Zoey used to do... :) ).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37

More snow today. Who else is ready for spring?

Day 36

The snowstorm clouds parted briefly to give us a a cool looking sunset. I caught as much of it as I could as it peeked out between the houses across the street. (The blue part of the sky was covered in telephone wires before I photoshopped them out. I don't yet have the skill to take out the ones in the more detailed parts of the pic without making things look silly.)

Day 35

We're having a hermit weekend. It's dreary and snowy, and all our friends went up to Sapporo for the Ice Festival, so we're hanging out doing a whole lotta nothing at home. Here's Corey in our game/computer cave.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34

A picture of my eye. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out Photoshop today. There's a whooole lot to learn. This and my Lost picture were what I ended up with. Gotta start somewhere!

Day 33

I'm on a Friends kick lately. It just never gets old.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32

Tonight I cooked with bison for the first time and made bison burgers. Not bad! Paired with sweet potato oven fries (the best things ever), it made for a tasty dinner.

Day 31

We've had our old Christmas tree out by the garbage for almost a month now. We were told the garbage people would pick it up, but it doesn't look like they're going to. We leave it out like silly fools week after week hoping one garbage day it will magically be gone. I think we're out of luck. Maybe we'll just save it for camping firewood this summer...

Day 30

Our footprints in a snowy park