Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 62

Corey was here (in Monterey) for work for a week and came up to visit. Here he is with the Bernster.

... Day 61

I have officially dropped the ball on this blog. It all started with my new camera: I love my new camera, but it isn't conducive to quick, daily picture posting. My photo-storing system is non-existent and spread out over 2 computers on 5 different organizing/editing programs. So I got disorganized and fell behind, and then stopped posting altogether. But I love doing this, and want to continue, so I'll just pretend the past 27 days didn't exist, and start up again (going back to post a few pics I've been taking).

Here's a pick I took on March 12th of the plane that brought me to CA for my visit here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60

I had so much fun taking pictures at the swan park today. I posted my favorites on my main blog here, so this is an extra.

Day 59

New running shoes! The past few weeks I've been alternating between shoes that give me blisters and shoes that give me shin splints (switching back and forth before either ailment got too painful), so these beauties are a welcomed relief. Happy feet!